Akshaya Tritiya popular Hindu festival that is celebrated every year and falls in the month of Vaisakha. The falls on the third day of the waxing moon in the month of Vaisakha (April or May), is considered an auspicious day by Hindus and Jains. It is believed that starting any new venture on this day will bring success. Jains also celebrate the birth anniversary of Lord Rishabhdev, their first spiritual leader, on this day.
Gold holds great significance in Akshaya Tritiya, as it symbolizes wealth and prosperity in Indian culture. Purchasing gold, either in the form of jewellery or coins, is a popular tradition on this day. According to Hindu mythology, Lord Vishnu was born as Parashurama on Akshaya Tritiya, and he distributed gold to the people after defeating evil forces with a divine axe given to him by Lord Shiva. Buying gold on this day is believed to bring good fortune and prosperity.
Akshaya Tritiya 2023 is just around the corner on April 22nd, making it the perfect opportunity to add some new gold jewellery to your collection. Whether you prefer something simple like a pair of gold earrings or a more elaborate piece such as a necklace or bracelet, bringing gold jewellery into your home is believed to invite prosperity. Consider our Hoop Earrings or the Sparkling Gold Bracelet as stylish options to wear on Akshaya Tritiya 2023. If you want to give a special gift to your mother on this auspicious day, you can opt for the personalised 22KT Gold Pendant.
Important Reason to Buy Gold on this Akshaya Tritiya
Multi-Purpose: Gold is a versatile metal that can be used in various ways, including jewellery making. Investing in gold offers the best returns and adds to the asset value of the individual, family, or business. Dubai is one of the best places to buy gold, where you can purchase gold coins including 24k gold coins. You can also buy customized jewellery according to your preferences.
Eternal Wealth: As per the meaning of the word 'Akshaya,' which means 'never diminishing,' buying gold on Akshaya Tritiya ensures eternal wealth. It enriches your assets and offers the best returns.
Zero Maintenance and Liquidity: Gold items require very little maintenance and can be worn frequently while remaining valuable. They can also be stored in a locker for years. One of the significant advantages of buying gold is that it can be exchanged for cash through traders when the price of gold rises or if there is an immediate need for money.
Auspicious Day for Jains to Invest in Gold: Akshaya Tritiya is a significant day for the Jain community in India. Devotees buy gold jewellery on this day to present it to Jain Tirthankara Rishabhdev, who ruled Ayodhya centuries ago.
History and Cultural Significance of Akshaya Tritiya Jewellery: Akshaya Tritiya has significant cultural and historical importance in Hindu mythology. According to ancient Hindu scriptures, the beginning of the Sat-Yug occurred on Akshaya Tritiya. It was the golden age and marked the beginning of a new era.
Alignment of the Planets: According to legend, the sun shines the brightest on Akshaya Tritiya, which is considered a lucky day for weddings and buying gold jewellery. The alignment of the planets on this day makes the sun shine brightly.
The Descent of the River Ganges: According to old folklore, the River Ganges descended to earth from heaven on Akshaya Tritiya. The goddess of food and nourishment, Annapurna, was subsequently born on this day
Buy Gold coins on Akshaya Tritiya
If you're having trouble choosing from the numerous jewellery designs, you could still bring in gold in the form of coins. Akshaya, which means 'never diminishing' or 'everlasting,' is a concept that invites unlimited prosperity by purchasing anything made of gold. By purchasing a gold coin, such as the 1G, 22KT Lakshmi Gold Coin or the 4G, 22KT Lakshmi Gold Coin in Dubai, you can invite Goddess Lakshmi. In Dubai, you can buy gold coins or flower coins, and there are various options for 24k gold coins. If you are looking to buy gold in Dubai, buying gold coins is a great option.
Why Buy Gold From Rizan Jewellery This Akshaya Tritiya?
Rizan Jewellery is an excellent choice for buying gold this Akshaya Tritiya for several reasons. We offer a wide variety of gold jewellery and coins, including 24k gold coins and unique designs. They have a reputation for providing high-quality, authentic gold products that are certified for purity and quality.
Rizan Jewellery offers competitive prices and special discounts during the Akshaya Tritiya season, making it a cost-effective option for buying gold. With their commitment to quality, affordability, and customer satisfaction, Rizan Jewellery is a trusted name in the industry, making them a reliable choice for your gold purchase this Akshaya Tritiya.